Latest Past Events

Annual Point-in-Time Count

Thank you for volunteering to count and survey for the 2023 Point-In-Time Count. On Thursday, January 26, 2023 you will be a member of a team of counters who will count and administer a brief sub-population survey to persons who are homeless. Your participation is key to making the 2023 Point-In-Time Count a big SUCCESS!

Census 101 Presentation Q&A

D'Andre D. Lampkin Foundation 2151 E Convention Center Way #210, Ontario

The next census is coming in 2020. Counting an increasingly diverse and growing population is a massive undertaking. It requires years of planning and the support of thousands of people. Ultimately, the success of the census depends on everyone’s participation. The Census Bureau depends on cross-sector collaborations with organizations and individuals to get people to […]


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