COVID 19 Response

Corporate and Community Social Responsibility & Resources

In light of the COVID 19 Outbreak, we ask that you consider donating to local nonprofits to assist with the sharing of resources desperately needed by vulnerable populations who are not able to seek out relief supplies on their own. These populations include, but are not limited to: our elderly, wounded veterans, children who rely on the school systems for nutrition, and low-income earners who are furloughed due to isolation measures.


In light of our nations unprecedented public health crisis, you might be wondering what we are doing here at the Lampkin Foundation. As with everything we do, we are uniting with our community partners and doing our part to prevent the spread of COVID 19. We continue to work on the projects and programs that make the communities we serve stronger. And we plan to do our part to ensure the communities we serve emerge from this crisis more resilient.

With the above in mind, we have cancelled volunteer projects requiring 10 or more persons. We continue to meet with our community partners in smaller groups. All in-person meetings requiring 10 or more persons have either been cancelled or done via teleconference.

We value the health and well being of all of our supporters and will continue to work diligently and deliberately to follow the guidelines of federal, state, and local health officials. We recognize we will have to be creative to continue the work necessary to fulfill our mission. But rest assured the work of building stronger, more resilient communities goes on.

Please continue to look out for our email and phone communications. Everyone has a role to play in getting ready and staying healthy.

Keeping Our Doors Open When Our Communities Need Us Most

At the onset of Governor Gavin Newsome’s Safer-at-Home order, the Lampkin Foudnation transitioned operations to provide hot meals to Ontario residents who are furloughed, unemployed, or unable to take advantage of social services due to COVID 19 pandemic restrictions. We initially opened this service to Ontario seniors. However, when our number of recipients continued to be low and resources were in abundance, we opened up the service to all Ontario residents while giving priority to seniors. First we demonstrated our desire to help our local communities by leveraging our partnerships with community organizations, shared the resources we already possessed with those in immediate need, and took a firm leadership role in our city. Next, we reached our corporate partners and donor community for help. Take a look at the results of our volunteer’s efforts in our COVID-19 Respond Project Report.

Community organizations are on the frontline of providing essential care. They also tend to have the most intimate relationship with the communities they serve.

Ongoing Activities

Before a COVID-19 outbreak occurs in your community: Plan

A COVID-19 outbreak could last for a long time in your community. Depending on the severity of the outbreak, public health officials may recommend community actions designed to help keep people healthy, reduce exposures to COVID-19, and slow the spread of the disease. Local public health officials may make recommendations appropriate to your local situation. Creating a household plan can help protect your health and the health of those you care about in the event of an outbreak of COVID-19 in your community. You should base the details of your household plan on the needs and daily routine of your household members. For credible and up-to-date information on how you can protect yourself and your community from the spread of COVID 19, visit the links below.

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