Scott West, a long-time friend of the D’Andre D. Lampkin Foundation and organizational consultant, has offered to share his Emotional Intelligence (EQ) workshop with our team and other community stakeholders for many years. He recently told us he would be in Ontario, California and reminded us about his offer. We are pleased to announce that we’ll hold our workshop with Scott on June 26th from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM in the Lampkin Foundation community classroom.
Scott works with companies, non-profits, educational institutions, and political organizations nationwide to help them create positive and productive group dynamics using EQ, refining temperament theory into practical tools and actionable programs enabling people to communicate and relate better with everyone with whom they interact. Through self-discovery and an enhanced understanding of others, participants grow in their effectiveness, and organizations become more successful through their people’s increased productivity, competency, and capability.
His workshop is interactive, participant-centered, positive, and enjoyable, allowing participants to apply what they have learned and derive increased immediate and long-lasting benefits from the experience.