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Home / Get Involved / Make A Planned Gift
Help Us Change Lives
Thank you for your interest in making a planned gift. Creating a better world requires teamwork, partnerships, and collaboration, as we need an entire army of organizations and people to work together to build a better world within the next few decades. By donating, YOU are empowering people to make a significant impact in education, economic development, climate change research, health and wellness, and proving resources for under-served communities.
We hope you will consider including the Lampkin Foundation in your estate or financial plans. With your Planned Gift, you may enjoy financial or tax benefits while also helping ensure that the work of the Lampkin Foundation will endure for generations to come.
There are many options available to those who wish to include the Lampkin Foundation in their long-range planning. The simplest is a bequest in your will. Or, you can establish a trust that will enable you to contribute to the Lampkin Foundation while providing you with income, helping you meet your current and long-term financial and philanthropic needs. You also can designate the Lampkin Foundation as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, a life insurance policy or of a bank account or security.
To discuss your Planned Gift or for additional information, please contact us at (909) 906-3064 or info@lampkinfoundation.org. Please let us know if you already have included the Lampkin Foundation in your estate or financial plans. All requests for information will remain confidential.
The information on our website will help you get started, but it is summary in form and general in nature and does not apply to all individuals. You should consult your tax, legal or financial advisors concerning the specific details and consequences of making a Planned Gift to the Lampkin Foundation and to help you determine which approach is best for you.