Transition to Network For Good

Transition to Network For Good

Transition to Network For Good 1013 224 Stories That Build

We are continuously looking for ways to keep you engaged. A major part of the process is partnering with other non-profit organizations so that we can provide you with the tools you need to continue doing the amazing work you are doing in your communities. Therefore, we are happy to announce we are now members of “Network for Good

NFG Lampkin Foundation Banner

About Network for Good
Network for Good is an online fundraising platform for charities and non-profit organizations. The company was founded in 2001 by America Online, Cisco Systems and Yahoo! and has processed over $1 billion in donations since inception.

In the coming days, we will be migrating our community of supporters and donors to the new software. We could use your help with the move. If you have not done so already, be sure to add ‘‘ to your “safe senders” list. That’s it!

We look forward to sharing these new tools with you and hope that it makes your support of the Lampkin Foundation easier.

Stories That Build

Communities thrive when people like you collaborate to tackle some of the biggest issues facing our neighborhoods. None of what we have accomplished would have been possible without you. Our donors, supporters, and volunteers are the true heart of what we do.

All stories by:Stories That Build

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