DNA Initiative

D'Andre Lampkin Community Interconnectedness
Celebrating Community & Interconnectedness 1024 897 Stories That Build

Celebrating Community & Interconnectedness

We’re celebrating community and interconnectedness at the Dawoodi Bohras Al Masjid Mosque Fun Fair. D’Andre Lampkin recently had the blessed opportunity to join Ontario residents at the Dawoodi Bohra Al…

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D’Andre Lampkin Discusses Nurturing a Love for the Outdoors in the Next Generation
D’Andre Lampkin Discusses Nurturing a Love for the Outdoors in the Next Generation 942 603 Stories That Build

D’Andre Lampkin Discusses Nurturing a Love for the Outdoors in the Next Generation

Introducing D’Andre Lampkin, a visionary philanthropist and entrepreneur whose transformative efforts in youth education, unwavering commitment to service excellence, active community engagement, and adept response to mental health crises have…

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See Hector Flex His Power 1024 1024 Stories That Build

See Hector Flex His Power

Hector is five years old and, he too, already believes he is strong enough to make his community stronger. Last Saturday was the second time he and his family participated…

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Tree Arbor Day Group Photo Ontario
Thanks to This Activity, Ontario Is Breathing Easier! 1024 564 Stories That Build

Thanks to This Activity, Ontario Is Breathing Easier!

The D’Andre D. Lampkin Foundation would like to thank all of our volunteers for their recent contribution of time to the Ontario Arbor Day Celebration on March 10, 2018. This…

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Andrew Jose Building Better Tomorrow for Abejas
You’re Building A Better Tomorrow 1024 683 Stories That Build

You’re Building A Better Tomorrow

Thank you for getting the word out about last Saturday’s Gardening for Healthier Communities event. It was once again a success and we appreciate everyone who showed up to offer a…

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Lowes Volunteers
Thank You Lowes of Ontario 1024 458 Stories That Build

Thank You Lowes of Ontario

As we prepare for our Gardening for Healthier Communities event tomorrow July 22nd, we received some awesome news and wanted you to be the first to hear about it. Thank…

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Developing Neighborhood Agriculture Initiative child volunteers gardening for healthier communities
Thanks for Being So Cool Saturday 1024 683 Stories That Build

Thanks for Being So Cool Saturday

The weather was HOT; but you were COOL about it. Last Saturday, 17 volunteers joined D’Andre Lampkin in Ontario, California for the Gardening for Healthier Communities event. We’re still tallying…

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Gardening for Healthier Communities
Gardening for Healthier Communities – DNA Initiative 770 514 Stories That Build

Gardening for Healthier Communities – DNA Initiative

Join us Saturday May 13th as he we kick off our first project for the Designing Neighborhood Agriculture (DNA) Initiative. We’re gardening for healthier communities. The DNA Initiative combines topical…

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