Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief Fund

Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief Fund

Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief Fund 1024 428 Stories That Build

Supporters like you asked that we coordinate efforts to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey and we heard you loud and clear.

On August 29, 2005 there were over 50 failures of the levees and flood walls protecting New Orleans, Louisiana, and its suburbs following passage of Hurricane Katrina and landfall in Mississippi. The levee and flood wall failures caused flooding in 80% of New Orleans and all of St. Bernard Parish.

On this day – the twelve year anniversary, levees protecting many parts of southeast Texas following the passage of Hurricane Harvey failed.

See what we are doing to make sure we don’t repeat the mistakes of 2005.

Please visit our Disaster Relief page to find out how you can help.

Stories That Build

Communities thrive when people like you collaborate to tackle some of the biggest issues facing our neighborhoods. None of what we have accomplished would have been possible without you. Our donors, supporters, and volunteers are the true heart of what we do.

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