A New Face for National University

A New Face for National University

A New Face for National University 1024 525 Stories That Build

D’Andre is proud to be the newest face of the National University website. Included on the splash page of the new website was a profoundly accurate quote, “As a non-profit institution, we know that it’s not just the degree our students earn that matters, but the degree to which they use it”.

“While I am sincerely honored, I have to give credit to the professors who push all students to use their degree for social good. A degree guarantees success – not because it’s inevitable, but because we are empowered to put what we have learned into practice.” – D’Andre Lampkin

Since 1971, National University has been dedicated to making lifelong learning opportunities accessible, challenging, and relevant to a diverse student population. As a nonprofit institution, National University invests in its students by providing them with quality educational instruction and learning technologies, superior faculty, and exemplary student services.

Visit NU at www.nu.edu.



Stories That Build

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